Euphonious Radio

Euphonious Radio
'Supporting Indie Music Worldwide

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Indie Spotlight

I remember a time when there was no "The Indie Spotlight" show,  even before, it was an idea.  One day in October 2012 I receive an email from artist Jan Le'Brandt requesting I play his music. We had just launched Euphonious two weeks prior to his email.  This was the first request Euphonious Radio had received from an artist. I was completely freaked out and when I eventually came back to a normal range of thought, I responded by saying, "Yes, of course" and "How would you like to do a live interview by telephone? Within minutes we had our first artist interview scheduled to air in a couple of days.  
This was my first experience doing live radio and it was exciting and terrifying all at the same time. It was also the best adrenaline rush I have ever experienced, this was the very beginning of "The Indie Spotlight" except it was still a nameless show.  I was operating Euphonious with my good friend Jody at the time. Together, we prepared ourselves for our first show and we were going live to air. I remember how much I was shaking I was so nervous but once the initial nerves passed I was fine. Now, Jody had years of DJ experience, so for him it was just another gig, no over active nerves. We kept Jan on the phone for sixty minutes we spoke about his music past / present and played his four original songs he had recorded at the time. We all instantly connected and the show was a lot of fun and was the beginning of a music relationship that will continue for years to come, I hope. 
Now, eight months and fifteen episodes later the show has evolved into a one week free promotional opportunity for new / independent bands and soloists. With a song play hourly, a daily broadcast of ‘The Indie Spotlight’ and of course unlimited Facebook and Twitter coverage. An area which seems to get overlooked or minimized, is a permanent link on the Euphonious Radio web page; ‘Indie Music’.  
‘The Indie Spotlight’ is a true offering of support to the world Indie Music scene from Euphonious Radio. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Best Support Is Listening

Euphonious Radio is gaining a lot of support with the help from Facebook, Twitter and Blogger. However, the best way to support Euphonious is to listen and provide helpful feedback.

I feel a critical decision coming on in the near future and I don't want to be faced with having to make it. With the arrival of iTunes Radio in the fall 2013 will Euphonious Radio have any relevancy?

In theory, I think it does as long as people continue to listen.  Euphonious Radio supports Indie music where I'm not sure iTunes Radio will. I put a lot of hours in planning shows where you won't get special shows on iTunes Radio.

For those who know me personally, know I have become a huge supporter of Apple products in the past five or six years now. The Euphonious platform is built with Apple products, compatible software and peripherals.

Actually, when I started Euphonious Radio I asked myself, why doesn't Apple do this? After all they have the largest music library in the world! Well, I guess someone heard me ask the question.

I love Euphonious Radio, I am very proud of what I have created from the pure love of music.
It saddens me deeply, believe me when I ask myself will people still tune into Euphonious Radio when iTunes Radio arrives?
